Are There NO Rules/Laws To Govern Behavior?

When we go to the movie theater as an individual or a family, we have expectations. We expect to wait in line patiently for our ticket. We expect to wait in line for our popcorn and drinks. We expect to go in and find a comfortable seat and watch a movie that may take us into another world different than our own.

But what if someone cut to the front of the line and shut down the ticket booth. What if we made it inside and someone decided to cut to the front of our line to the popcorn and soft drinks and they could not make up their mind on what to buy, or maybe they refuse to order.

Perhaps they just want everyone to listen to their rant about the state of the world and how much movie tickets and food are costing us compared to years ago.

At what point would you begin to lose your cool. When would you finally decide you had had enough? Would you ask for a refund of your ticket and forgo the movie?

What if you finally got your popcorn and your drink and the irate customer who had held up the line decided to spill it for you?  What if instead of just spilling it, he or she poured the drink on you and threw popcorn in the air and at you?

At what point do you say, enough and haul off and smack them, or push them, or worse if it escalates to a fight.?

Civility is talked about boldly when we talk about protecting women or other protected groups. Where is the civility in politics? Is it okay to misbehave as long as you have a political reason for doing so?

If you are like me, you are beginning to get fed up with the infringement of people’s rights when they are in private settings enjoying time with family or friends in restaurants, bars, movie theaters and other public places, where we all expect civility and laws to rule our behaviors and what we can expect.

If we descend into the abyss of anarchy anytime we appear in public places, you can be sure that at some time, we are going to reach that limit where our civility is not enough to ward off the attacks from without. At that point, civility may be thrown out the window, and real anarchy may intercede. We can all consume each other and when it is all done, we may wonder what political discourse we were fighting over.

Words of wisdom from:

Talking Haid



What is Fake News? Does it even exist?

What is Fake News? Does it even exist?

We used to think we could get some of the most important facts about what is happening in the world from network television.

Where can we get unbiased news reporting without being channeled through only the top news clicks or stories of the day?

Do you read the newspaper, listen to radio, or watch television. Is that where you get your facts? Perhaps you believe Facebook is your ultimate resource. Maybe you Google your facts.

Is there any reason to believe your network provider or search engine is delivering all of the available unbiased facts?

Are you confident that your internet sources are correct, unbiased, immune to just covering those events with the highest ratings or clicks?

Where can we go to get the real truth so that we can make our own decisions?

The internet is full of options.  Check the search phase “unbiased news reporting 2018” if you are looking for options and opinions.  One of the best I have found is:

It lists sources according to least biased, left leaning bias and right leaning bias. This is a good opportunity to compare some of the choices and draw your own conclusions.

Associated Press, Pew Research, and others are listed under the category of least biased reporting facts. But, you have to read several sources to really be sure you aren’t being steered to someone else’s agenda.

If you are tired of the latest headline scandals in national news, use your internet to research what is really important. Don’t allow the networks and media stars to mold your opinions and thinking down their political rabbit hole.

Check out a Pew Research quiz that tests your ability to determine fact and opinion. It is only 10 questions and is one of the most interesting research quizzes they have put together at:

Can we all use a little less retweeting and facebook posting of statements that may or may not be rooted in fact? Commonsense discourse and honest debate on all topics is in all of our interests if we want to continue to promote freedom of choice in our democracy.

Let’s all commit to getting the facts, not spreading our version of the truth, and see if we can all come together on commonsense issues. We may still disagree, but at least we will disagree based on facts and not some fiction, so called Fake News,  or untruth.

-Talking Haid



Real Commonsense Discussion Politics

Some people will tell you that there is no real discussion of politics in the home, the dinner table, and especially in mixed company outside the home. But it is this lack of discussion that raises generations of people who may not be exposed to the many sides of potential political options.

Labels help us pigeonhole what we think of the various people we meet, but seldom does the label Democrat or Republican, and Conservative or Liberal capture every person’s essence.

It is even worse in the areas of social media platforms, where one post can get you friended or even unfriended over what you think is an innocent belief that covers only one small subject in your mind.

You post something you think most of your friends also believe, but in fact you have posted or shared a belief that may be shared by 50 % of your friends and acquaintences and may genuinely irritate the other 50%.

The same process that is infecting us in social media is bleeding into the political arena. Our process has now descended into an arena where each side blasts the other side with truths and untruths in the news and social media platforms, and potentially makes our institutions appear biased as well.

We the people need to separate the truths from the untruths. We need to be able to expect our institutions to be honest and trustworthy. We need to require our politicians to be without reproach and not support an unsuitable candidate simply because they are Republican, Democrat, Socialist or Communist.

Our parties which hold up candidates for us to choose between need to be held accountable for the candidates they select. If the candidate does not follow our laws and expect it from all who work for them, how can we expect them to keep us safe and have our best interests at heart.

We need to resurrect political discussion, and genuine debate back to the home, the school, and the workplace. It is this caring interaction and respect for each others views that will bring compromise and intelligent debate back to our so called higher institutions like the senate and house of representatives.

-The Talking Haid


Trump Versus Hillary Phenomenom

To understand the Trump supporters and the Hillary supporters phenomenom, you have to examine your frame of reference.

Do you believe that our country should have open borders where anyone can come in regardless of citizenship?

Do you believe in national borders?

Do you believe that we should censure speech to protect those who may be offended whether by race, sexual orientation, disability, or other possible factors?

Do you believe in your right to free speech?

Do you believe our country gives the best chance for success to almost everyone regardless of race, creed, color, preference or sexual orientation?

Do you believe the government does the best job of providing for our education and future career prospects?

Do you believe most everyone has the opportunity to succeed financially through their own best efforts?

Do you believe individual rights trump collective rights?

Do you believe your rights come from God or do you believe they are granted to you by the government?

Do you believe the government should tax the rich to provide more for the poor or less fortunate?

Do you believe that jobs and growth of our economy can provide more in taxes that increasing the tax rate?

The choice really is very clear depending on your frame of reference. If you want big  government to control your life, to make everything equal in terms of income equality and other equalities, if you believe the collective rights trump the rights of the individual, then you will vote for Hillary Clinton.

If you believe jobs can cure our country’s ills, if you believe in less government interference, and if you believe our country has been screwed by our own government making deals worldwide that are never in our best interest, but the interests of other countries and our lawmakers pocketbooks. Then you will vote for Donald Trump.

Hillary believes that the more money you turn in to the government, the better the government can determine just what is best for you. So if you are an income earner, plan on giving more so that others who are less fortunate or unable or unwilling to work, can continue to live and continue to vote for people like Hillary Clinton.

Trump believes that if he provides the right combination of tax incentives to get our formerly United States companies to continue to do business in the United States, and if he provides incentives for the global conglomerates to bring their trillions of dollars back into the United States to invest, our country, it’s people and it’s available jobs will skyrocket. In turn all of our people who work will benefit, and those that are not able to work will be taken care of, and those who simply dont want to work will be given tough love incentives to work in order to continue living at the standard they have been accustomed to.

As a noted author I do not remember once wrote. Socialism and spreading the wealth out equally works well right up until those the government is taking money from, run out and there is now not enough to spread around equally. If I work my a** off to become rich or even well off, only to spread the wealth around. I will suddenly decide, that I am not going to work any harder than anyone else. Guess what. Suddenly there is not enough to go around. Suddenly our 20 trillion dollar debt comes back to bite us and noone has any money, food or anything else to spare.

Trump or Hillary, the choice is clear. I vote for individualism, jobs, borders, strong military, and hell yes, less government. Trump trumps Hillary.

-Talking Haid







Obama Terrorism Slight of Hand

I liken War and Terrorism to the bullies I met growing up. They respond to only one message. You can’t reason with them, you can’t bribe them for long, and you can’t let time pass and hope they will go away.

When a bully hauls off and hits me, I don’t spend time wondering about his or her motivation, what their frame of reference was growing up, whether they were abused, or have a mental disability. It really doesn’t matter. The one thing they respond to is immediate and overwhelming force. When I hit back, I do not stop until the bully can no longer move. I don’t hit once, I don’t poke at him or her, push him or her and hope they wont hit me again.

Words are not going to change the dilemma of having a lone gunman or several gunmen shooting innocent people. Disarming the law abiding populace is not going to prevent mass shootings. France outlaws guns and yet the ak-47 or similar arms were readily available to those terrorists.

No, we need to make it very expensive for any terrorist to kill innocent people. We need security, metal and bomb detection equipment,  and trained security people on the premises in large open venues. We achieve it at stadiums where you have to have your bags checked at the entrances, and we can achieve it at smaller venues.

We need to use common sense and quit succumbing to political correctness and the subjugation of the United States of America from the inside. If we cannot vet the people coming to the United States, then they are not allowed in our country.

If United States citizens frequent any venue where hate toward our way of life is espoused, then they become people of interest to the FBI and we do not set an arbitrary time limit on how long they can be investigated. When U. S, citizens go to a foreign country to fight for a sect like ISIS or Al Queda, they renounce their citizenship and are to be treated as enemy combatants.

We will not be able to totally stop all radical islamic terrorist violence in the United States or any other country, but we can make public venues more secure and like air marshalls on airlines, provide security in every venue so the carnage is reduced. Armed security on the premises will reduce the number of people who might be killed.

The ultimate solution is not defensive. The best winning solution is to irradicate the enemy. The only way to do that is to go on the offensive.

Success is what draws idiots to ISIS. If we take them out where they live with overwhelming force, and we take their methods of receiving oil, money, food, clothing, and manpower, noone will want to join them or be associated with them.

The real solution to the bully and ultimately to any war or terrorist is to strike first. When we find them, and when we know where and who they are, they have to be irradicated. It is the only solution that counters radical ideology.

—Talking Haid



Will Individualism Bow To Political Correctness?

When I was growing up, schools, parents, and most people I met proposed that you only succeeded through your own merits. You had to fight for your rightful place in the world. Nothing would be given to you. Although, there was the fact that the first 12 years of schooling was provided by the local government, not the Federal Government.

When did we decide that everyone’s personal beliefs, values, gender, race, ethnic background, religion, or political activism takes precedence over the individual. When did we decide that society can shut down free speech that does not match the vocal minority of the population.

I remember thinking that it was not right to have White Supremacists march through Jewish neighborhoods, and yet it happened when I was growing up. That was my first experience with the value of free speech. Never would I agree with their philosophy, but when we start shutting down free speech because we don’t agree with the message, where does it stop?

I have an opinion on various topics. I should be able to share my opinion, and you should be able to share yours. Noone’s opinion should be shouted down, violently shut down, or eliminated from a free society.

Freedom of speech, freedom to associate, and freedom to protest should be allowed, so long as it does not interfere with the freedom of others. This means you have the right to protest on public property, but you don’t have the right to protest on my private property or anyone else’s. You have the right to protest as long as you don’t impede my ability or anyone else’s ability to walk, drive, or be transported through a public area.

Freedom is a right of all of us. It is not just you, not just the protesters, not just the disenfranchised, and not just the government. Freedom to share beliefs on all topics including some of the so called politically correct topics needs to be allowed in all areas, especially our schools where young minds should be taught how to think for themselves, not how to be propagandized by other people, schools, the government and others who have a vested interest in one select opinion.

I am an individual, not a group, nor will I ever become a group. I may share similar opinions, but I will never become a sheep, and let others decide my opinions.

Talking Haid




Terrorists in America

Well Oklahoma has given us our first glimpse of a beheading in the United States of America. If you want the story simply google
“beheading in Oklahoma”.

Never thought I would see it in the heartland first, but it was probably going to start somewhere.

We know we have porous borders. We know we have people coming from middle eastern countries, South American countries and all over the world. We still have the best opportunity for people to succeed in the world.

But within all of the groups coming into America, we know there are terrorists as well. We know we have radical imams going into prisons and ostensibly bringing prisoners to Islam. It sounds like a responsible mission until the word Jihad is brought into the mix. Having a religion that uses the word Jihad and imposes its thought process on others may appeal to someone whose liberties have been taken away.

Don’t misunderstand. I believe there are very responsible Islamic people in the United States who follow Islam and believe Allah is the true God, and are willing to let other people subscribe to their religious beliefs as well. We need more people speaking out against the terrorism hijacking a peaceful religion.

Logic tells us that we need to be able to use language that describes what is happening without the fear of reprisal from any group, except those it applies to. We have to address the issue of Radical Islamic Extremism. We have to define it. We have to measure it in those groups where it exists.

It is similar to the era of organized crime. We have a definition for it. We know what it is. We have legal jargon that labels certain groups as organized crime, and when this label is generated, our police, the FBI and others have special powers including admisable surveillance of said organizations.

We need the same type of war powers we have against organized crime implemented against organisations that are proven to advocate Jihad or violence against any Americans, institutions, groups, and allies. Congress is in business to write laws that govern our policing agencies. It is something we need to require our executive branch to implement, and it is something our judicial branch should monitor for constitutionality.

Let’s quit tiptoeing around the key definitions of terrorism. It is not workplace violence. It is not a skirmish overseas, or a terrorist operation, it is war.

We do the things we can financially to cut terrorist funding. We do the things we can to teach children to follow the rule of law in schools. We use the power we have been blessed with militarily to protect the people of the United States and its Allies, and we let the people of the world determine their own form of government.

We never accept terrorism in America. We let everyone involved know that when it occurs we will devote every resource at our disposal to stamp it out. We will stamp it out not just where it occurs as with this unnamed terrorist in Oklahoma. We will follow it to its source where the man was indoctrinated in prison. We will stamp out its source and every tendril that crops up like a cancer within our free society.


-Talking Haid – Comments Welcome


The ‘ISIS’ or ‘ISIL’ Achilles Heel

We talk about ISIS being a terrorist organization that now must be stopped, like many of the other terrorist organizations originating in the Middle East. The pundits are correct. They must be stopped, but lets use logic to do it. Cutting off the hand or foot of an organization only allows it to grow in a different direction.

When cancer grows as a tumor we don’t cut out the tendrils that are metastasizing, we attack the central growth and all of its tendrils. We cut it out, we starve it of blood, we irradiate it until there are no cells left to grow more cancer cells.

The terrorist organizations must be stopped at their source. We have to cut off the food supply of the organization. That food supply is money. ISIS is nothing without money. Its growing organization is funded by the dollars it has stolen from banks in IRAQ and Syria, and funds it receives from donors sympathetic with its cause.

Why only spend billions of dollars in attacking ISIS from the air, training would be supporters in Syria, and arming Iraqis like the Kurds who will actually fight the terrorist organizations?

How about attacking the source of funds? Those who contribute funds don’t just go to jail, they lose everything they own, liquidated to fund the process of taking down the terrorist. Like gangs in the United States, once they are labeled organized crime every part of the organization is confiscated and liquidated to fund more pursuit of organized crime.

If the funding source is a country like Iran. The best solution is to become energy independent and stop sending billions of dollars overseas to a country responsible for much of the instability in the Middle East.

Logic tells us that as long as organizations have money to burn, they will be able to attract, hire, train, and propagandize people into believing they are following a will greater than their own. In this case that will is supposedly Allah.

Without money the will, the power of the organization is at best localized. Without money, without food, without armaments they will wither and die or be destroyed by the forces with which they claim to be at war.

Let’s use our heads and declare all out war on the funding sources for ISIS terrorists and other terrorist organizations. Like a weed they must be destroyed from the root up where they receive nourishment. Once all funding links to these organizations are destroyed, the organization itself will fall.


Fire The Democrats The Republicans and The Independents!

While we’re at it let’s fire the conservatives and the liberals. They are just dummy labels. Something to pigeon hole us into thinking we can’t change the status quo.

After all, if you are a label you can’t side as a democrat with a republican. You can’t work with a conservative as a liberal.  You sure can’t work with an independent, because you never now when they will turn and stab your party in the back.

Guess what, our obsession with labels has created a so-called two party system which is mired down in muck, because they can’t vote their convictions, they have to toe the party line. A new senator or congressman had better toe the party line, or support for them withers. They won’t get assigned to important committes.

Let’s do away with the party labels. Let’s do away with seniority creating overly powerful single members in the senate and house. Lets do away with a created system that allows one party to prevent bills from even seeing the light of day.

There are 100 senators. Each and every one of them should serve on important committees every day they are in the senate.  There are 435 congressman and each and every one of them should serve on important committees every day we pay them to be in the house.

Important ideas will come to the table daily, and all sides will have to be listened to and debated and voted upon.  There would be no pigeonhole system. There would be no monopoly on power for good, for your district, or for your own self-interest.

Make the committee votes public. Make the house and senate votes on all bills public. Tell the people how you really feel. Suddenly the elections which are all about political posturing, bad mouthing your opponent, and little real knowledge about what your candidate believes will suddenly be, that’s right – Transparent.

